We share updated details here, so be sure to check in regularly....
Monday, Mar 20 (Recommended arrival for those travelling long distances)
Travelling from the US? You may consider flying in an additional day early to adjust to the timezone. Settle in, log in and check emails, sleep off any jet-lag. We are located in one of Tokyo's busiest districts, so no matter what hour of the day or night, there will be something to entertain you. MDC team will be on the ground and your fellow Boardroomer's will begin to arrive. The perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends.
Tuesday, Tokyo, Mar 21 (Optional)
Use today to check out the Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) - if we find there are a few of us, we will go out on an unofficial sightseeing trip.
PM: Join us for the official Welcome Dinner. It may be optional, but always a highlight.
Wednesday 7:30am Tokyo, Mar 22 (All Day)
Day One. We will provide The Strings conference room details in the What’s App Boardroom Tokyo Chat on Tuesday
Grab breakfast before making your way to the main conference room.
We will be in the conference rooms from 7:30am - 12pm.
Once the morning sessions end, we will have a brief intermission and then meet back up for a Boardroom Founders Only Experience in Harajuku (details to follow)
Thursday 7:30am Tokyo, Mar 23 (All Day)
Day Two. We will be in the conference rooms from 7:30am - 12pm.
After today’s session, Taki and Kiri-Maree will be hosting lunch at The Strings for Boardroom Founders and Partners.
From there we will make our way to Teamlabs for a 3pm appointment.
Friday 7:30am Tokyo, Mar 24 (All Day)
Day Three. We will be in the conference rooms from 7:30am - 12pm.
Post working sessions there will be a short independent intermission
We will then gather again in the early afternoon for the Asakusa Treasure Hunt.
Please check your email Monday March 20th for full itinerary details and descriptions. Please also be sure to join us in the What’s App Boardroom Tokyo Chat. This chat group is were will stay connected and communicate any adjustments to the itinerary.
Saturday, Mar 25
We recommend flying out on from today (or onwards travel with family and friends).
*Stay tuned as we continue to update this page.